Feedback and Trust

This is the first time Jared and Tom are together on the podcast, using some new technology (and it shows) discussing these two important and closely related topics. If you pay attention, you may hear the siren outside Jared’s NYC hotel! Also, due to a recording error, you don’t hear the entire introduction to a book called Thanks for the Feedback by Doug Stone and Shiela Heen.

Books referenced:

Thanks for the Feedback by Doug Stone and Shiela Heen

The Trusted Advisor by David Maister, Charles Green and Robert Galford

The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey with Rebecca R. Merrill

Frameworks referenced:

SBI (Situation - Behavior - Impact) is a framework created by the Center for Creative Leadership

Start - Stop - Continue is a well-used framework for identifying behaviors

Photo by Purnomo Capunk on Unsplash


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