Lynne Walker

Lynne is an executive coach and leadership consultant who provides insightful counsel balanced with practical senior management experience.  It is a potent combination intended to help leaders realize their full potential and increase their overall effectiveness.  Lynne’s executive coaching and leadership consulting work is about creating positive and lasting change by promoting greater self-awareness, helping clients to develop their own solutions and addressing potential barriers to success.  Drawing on her own experience as a C-suite executive and her extensive work across a diverse range of industries and geographies, Lynne brings a unique perspective to each, and every, client engagement.

Lynne provides leadership consulting services to organizations ranging from Fortune 500 multi-nationals to global non-profits to academic institutions and start-ups.   Specific industry sectors include healthcare, technology, financial services, manufacturing, energy, professional consulting and consumer products. Her experience includes working with organizations such as Unilever, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Amgen, Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Rolls-Royce, ArcelorMittal, Arm Technology, DXC Technology, Generali, Coca-Cola, Barclays, ScotiaBank, Jacobs Engineering, Arcelor Mittal, Parker Hannifin the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Her consulting work focuses on the design and delivery of leading-edge leadership development programs.  Working both independently and with highly talented leadership development professionals to create unique learning experiences that have lasting impact.

Lynne previously, served as Senior Vice President with Gulf Canada Resources Limited, a leading energy company with significant international operations after starting her corporate career in the financial sector.

She has extensive experience with multiple personality and leadership assessments including MBTI,  Leadership Versatility Index (LVI), Hogan Assessments, Change Style Indicator, Denison, Ambiguity Architect, Leadership Practices Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQi) and MSCEIT. Lynne has been a long-standing member of the International Coach Federation.